Inspired by creative writing methods, slam poetry, spoken word, and Dadaist experience of “chance”, this intervention is a way to evoke self-expression in a nonthreatening manner. By providing a foundation with precut words, the intervention provides a building block to creativity. Following the art history movement of Dada, this undermines the foundations of “art” by eliminating the ideals of studio training and talent and instead focuses on letting the “encounter” or experience and product speak for itself. This aligns with the goals of art therapy.

Intervention manual


Magazine clippings of words

How to

Step one.
Provide a bag of precut words from magazine clippings to the individual.

Step two.
Have them randomly select a handful from the bag.

Step three.
Create a poem from the preselected words.


The directive itself can be adjusted to meet the needs of the client. The basis of the directive is to: “Randomly select from precut magazine clippings of words or phrases to create a poem.” The basis of this can be changed, allowing the client to cut out their own words from magazines- or as I intended, the clinician to provide an array of preselected clippings. With the clinician providing preselected words, it lessens the intimidation and time spent on finding the perfect words. However, allowing the client to select their own words encourages independence and freedom in choice. It can also be adjusted in the final form it takes. Clients can explore permanence by gluing their poem to a surface. The idea of impermanence can also be explored. Similar to natural material mandalas, the words can be left unsecured and discarded after the intervention is completed. The final product can then be explored through performance of spoken word, or illustration through an accompanying art piece.


The rationale behind this intervention is that it utilizes the cognitive/symbolic level of the expressive therapies continuum. Problem solving through building complex statements out of fragmented pieces essentially brings together a satisfactory and expressive product. Allowing the clients to approach self-expression comfortably, brings them to a finished product that they are proud of. This empowers the client, encouraging them in their art making process.

In relation to Yalom’s therapeutic factors, this intervention can be a way to instill hope, impart information, and bring a sense of catharsis. The art making process itself is cathartic in nature as channeling heavy, traumatic, emotions and experiences into the art making leads to soothed and relieved resolution. Sharing the product of the poem within a group or individually to the clinician, also brings catharsis as well as confidence. Through forming sentences, personal testimony, thoughts, and fears, can be expressed and shared. This builds a sense of community and relationship. This in sense instills hope into the client, as they share their stories with others and witness change.


Saying Goodbye